This research initiative delves into the contentious debates and negotiations surrounding health and various illnesses in modern societies. The projects within the initiative analyse why, how, and by whom many health, nutrition, and illness-related themes become debated.
Contact persons
Piia Jallinoja
Professor, terveyssosiologiaPublications on the topic
Koivumäki T, Jallinoja P (2023) The good, the bad and the blameless. Thematic analysis of parental role in childhood obesity on an Internet discussion board. BMC Public Health.
Jallinoja P, Niva M, Mäkelä J (2023) Miten syöminen, arki ja elämänarvot muuttuivat koronapandemian aikana? Teoksessa Muuttuiko Suomi?. Mäkikangas A, Pyöriä P (eds.) Helsinki: Gaudeamus, pp. 127-147.
Jones M, Jallinoja P (2022) Following a low-carbohydrate diet: stories about self-care, credibility of dietary advice and the authority of experience. Food, Culture & Society.
Jallinoja P, Sivelä J, Väliverronen E (2021) Valtavirtaa ja vastavirtaa - koronanäkemykset yhteydessä halukkuutteen ottaa koronarokotus. Duodecim 137(19):2061-8.
Jallinoja P, Väliverronen E (2021) Luottamus instituutioihin ja asiantuntijoihin COVID-19-pandemiassa: kyselytutkimus suomalaisten parissa huhtikuussa ja kesäkuussa 2020. Media & viestintä, 44, 1-24.
Jallinoja, P, Vinnari, M, Niva, M (2019) Veganism and plant-based eating: analysis of interplay between discursive strategies and lifestyle political consumerism. In: Boström M, Micheletti M, Oosterveer, P (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism. Oxford University Press. pp 157-179.
Jallinoja, P, Mäkelä, J, Niva, M (2018) Ruoan yltäkylläisyys ja rajat - sosiologisia havaintoja Suomesta [Abundance and restrictions of food - sociological observations from Finland]. Duodecim 134, 1501-1507.
Jallinoja P, Mäkelä J (2017) Ruoka ja syöminen terveyden ja nautinnon ristiaallokossa [Food and eating and the ambivalences of health and pleasure]. In: Terveyssosiologian linjoja – terveys ja sairaus 2010-luvulla [Sociology of health and illness - health and illness in the 2010s]. Karvonen S, Kestilä L Mäki-Opas T (eds.). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Jallinoja, P, Jauho, M, Mäkelä, J (2016) Newspaper debates on milk fats and vegetable oils in Finland, 1978 – 2013: An analysis of conflicts over risks, expertise, evidence and pleasure. Appetite 105, 274-82.
Jallinoja P, Kahma N, Helakorpi S, Niva M, Jauho M (2015) Dietary fat choices in Finland, long-term trends and short-term changes, 1978–2014. Research on Finnish Society, 8, 73-77.
Syrjäläinen P, Ryynänen T, Heinonen V, Jauho M, Jallinoja P (2016) Hyvän ja pahan taistelu - ravinnon rasvojen mediajulkisuus Helsingin Sanomissa 2010–2011. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti, 53, 44-57.
Jallinoja P, Niva M, Helakorpi S, Kahma N (2014) Food choices, perceptions of healthiness and eating motives of self-identified followers of low-carbohydrate diet. Food and Nutrition Research, 58, 1-9.
Jallinoja, P, Pajari, P, Absetz, P (2010) Negotiated pleasures in health-seeking lifestyles of participants of a health promoting intervention. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 14, 115-130.
Heikkinen H, Patja K, Jallinoja P (2010) Smokers’ accounts on the health risks of smoking: Why is smoking not dangerous for me? Social Sciences and Medicine, 71, 877-883.
Jallinoja P, Absetz P, Kuronen R, Patja K (2009) Miksi potilaiden elämäntavat eivät muut? Hoitajien ja lääkärien näkemyksiä. Suomen Lääkärilehti, 42, 3557-3561.
Jallinoja P, Pajari P, Absetz P (2008) Repertoires of lifestyle change and self-responsibility among participants in an intervention to prevent type 2 diabetes. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 22, 455-462.
Jallinoja P, Suihko J (2007): Munkkiperinteestä pizzaelämykseen – terveys ja ruoka Sotilaskoti-lehdessä 1967–2007 [From doughnut tradition to pizza experience - health and food in Soldier’s home magazine, 1967-2007]. Tiedotustutkimus, 30, 30-44.
Jallinoja P, Absetz P, Kuronen R, Nissinen A, Talja M, Uutela A, Patja K (2007) The dilemma of patient responsibility for lifestyle change – perceptions among primary care physicians and nurses. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 25, 244 – 249.
Jallinoja P (2002) Ethics of clinical genetics and genetic research: the spirit of the profession and trials of suitability from 1970 to 2000. Critical Public Health, 12, 103-118.
Jallinoja P (2001) Genetic screening in maternity care: preventive aims and voluntary choices. Sociology of Health & Illness, 23, 286-307.
Past projects
MEX The project analyzed a) social media influencers presenting alternative nutritional claims; b) followers of alternative diets; c) debates on the causes of childhood obesity on Internet forums; and d) Finns’ trust in experts during the COVID-19 pandemic.
FAT. The project analysed with a sociological lens 'fat in food and fat in bodies', i.e. weight-loss techniques, low-carbohydrate diets and public debates over healthiness of dietary fats.