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DigiMESH - Supporting the career development of immigrants by developing digital networking methods

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project3.1.2022–31.10.2023

The aim of the project is to develop the digital skills of highly educated immigrants to operate and make important work related contacts in digital environments, as well as to boost the abilities of professionals to guide highly educated immigrants in digital networking. One of the goals of the project is also to identify and develop the best digital networking tools, platforms, and forms of active interaction.

Another important aim of the project is to improve the knowledge of those professionals who work in the fields of employment and education and who guide immigrants about the benefits of digital networking. The third goal is to identify the needs of companies and employers as related to employing international workforce and to recognize suitable ways for networking with highly educated immigrants.

The project consists of 5 work packages:
Development of a digital networking model and a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Events and staff training
Co-operation with businesses External communications Project management

The output of the project will be a college-level MOOC course on digital networking open to all, a digital networking training course and a digital networking handbook for professionals.

As a result of the project, the skills of highly educated immigrants to operate and make connections in digital environments will develop. Also, event organizers will learn how to develop and support participatory and digital networking in online events.

Secondly, as a result, professionals who guide highly educated immigrants in employment and training issues are also better equipped to support their clients in digital networking. This in turn promotes the latter’s employment opportunities in the Finnish labor market. As a result, the project has also identified cooperation and networking models that meet the needs of companies looking to recruit immigrants.

The project is implemented by Turku University of Applied Sciences, Tampere University of Applied Sciences and the International Working Women of Finland Association. Duration of the project: 3.1.2022-31.8.2023.

Contact persons:
Minna Niemi, minna.niemi [at]
Kirsi Popova, kirsi.popova [at]


DigiMESH – Supporting the career development of immigrants by developing digital networking methods (project code S22729)

Implementation time: 3.1.2022-31.8.2023
Line: 9. REACT-EU, ESF
Specific objective: 12.3. Improving digital skills

The importance of networking for immigrants, especially for the highly educated ones, for career development and placement in the Finnish labor market has been widely recognized, but there are very few concrete digital methods and practices for developing systematic networking. Networking is perceived as challenging, especially if you are unemployed and do not have the natural networking opportunities offered by a workplace or a professional community.

The digital leap brought by the COVID-19 pandemic has moved events and happenings largely to digital platforms where networking and active participation are more challenging or there is simply less of it. Finnish networking practices and habits, including those in digital environments, are foreign to non-natives, and Finnish networks are also slower to open up to immigrants due to a lack of language skills, prejudices or cultural differences. Strengthening the digital skills of highly educated immigrants to participate in various digital events and platforms will improve their opportunities to create working life connections and enter the Finnish labor market.

Funding source

Euroopan sosiaalirahasto (ESR) 2014-2020

Contact persons

Minna Niemi
minna.niemi [at]

Kirsi Popova
kirsi.popova [at]