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Effects of neuropsychological group intervention for children

Tampere University
Area of focusSociety

For years, the PSYKE has developed neuropsychological group rehabilitation for preschool and school-age children. The research project is a joint study by the Psychology Clinic PSYKE and the TAYS' Children's Neurology Unit, which investigates the effectiveness of the TOTAKU rehabilitation method.


Good cognitive control skills, the ability to maintain attention and regulate behaviors and emotions are essential prerequisites for the child's and adolescent's favorable psychological development. Problems in these skills have a wide-ranging impact on a child's ability to function, weakening school performance and social functioning, and reflecting well into adulthood. Difficulties in attention and functional control are quite common in school-age children. The prevalence of ADHD is estimated at 3,6–7,2%. In addition, it is estimated that 10% of school-age children experience significant problems with executive functions that hinder everyday life. Difficulties in executive functions are associated with many neuropsychiatric disorders, such as activity and attention disorder (ADHD), neurological disability, or disease, or may be part of other developmental difficulties and learning difficulties. 

The target group for TOTAKU rehabilitation is primarily children of primary school age who have been diagnosed with moderate to severe problems with executive functions, and for whom school support measures have proven insufficient.


The aim of the research project is to examine whether TOTAKU and the parental guidance included in it can be used to alleviate developmental and neurological disease or disability-related problems in children and adolescents. The effectiveness of rehabilitation is assessed by looking at the changes during the one- and two-year rehabilitation period, both in the overall sample and in different groups (e.g. developmental problems, difficulty in attention, neurological diseases and injuries). The study is carried out as a register study, in which the research data was formed in connection with the neuropsychological group rehabilitation of children and adolescents during the period 2006-2018.


The research results are reported in article form. Two licentiate theses in the field of psychology have been made from TOTAKU's register research in the spring of 2023.


Theses made about TOTAKU:

Licentiate studies in psychology (TUNI) and neuropsychology specialist training final projects (HY):

Nivala, K. (2023). Toiminnanohjauksen vahvistuminen kouluikäisten TOTAKU-ryhmäkuntoutuksessa. Lisensiaatintutkimus. Psykologia. Tampereen yliopisto.

Ristimäki, E. (2023). Nuorten toiminnanohjauksen ryhmäkuntoutus: Tuloksellisuuden pilottitutkimus. Lisensiaatintutkimus. Psykologia. Tampereen yliopisto. 

Kuukka, R. (2022). Seurantatutkimus kouluiässä TOTAKU-kuntoutusta saaneiden lasten toiminnanohjauksesta, tarkkaavuudesta ja sosiaalisesta toimintakyvystä nuoruudessa. Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta. Helsingin yliopisto.

Jyränen, Satu (2019). TOTAKU- kuntoutuksen vanhempainryhmien tuloksellisuus. Lisensiaatintutkimus. Psykologia. Tampereen yliopisto.

Kiviranta, L. (2018). Kouluneuvottelut Toiminnanohjauksen ja tarkkaavuuden ryhmäkuntoutuksen (TOTAKU) osana. Lisensiaatintutkimus. Psykologia. Tampereen yliopisto.

PsM Vähäsalo, T. (2017). Tarkkaamattomien lasten TOTAKU-ryhmäkuntoutuksen tuloksellisuus vanhempien ja opettajien arvioimina. Lisensiaatintutkimus. Psykologia. Tampereen yliopisto.


Research project peer-reviewed scientific articles:

Rantanen, K. Vierikko, E., Eriksson, K. & Nieminen, P. (2020). Neuropsychological group rehabilitation on neurobehavioral comorbidities in children with epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 103(A):106386. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2019.06.030.

Jyränen, S., Vierikko, E. & Rantanen, K. (2019). Vanhempainohjaus osana toiminnanohjauksen ja tarkkaavuuden kuntoutusta – tuloksia TOTAKU- vanhempainryhmistä.  NMI-Bulletin, 29 (3), 40-48.

Rantanen, K. Vierikko, E. & Nieminen, P. (2018). Effects of the EXAT neuropsychological multilevel intervention on behavior problems in children with executive function deficits. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 59 (5), 483-495.

Ristimäki, E. & Rantanen, K. (2013). Toiminnanohjauksen ja tarkkaavuuden ryhmäkuntoutus nuorille -Kokemuksia pilottiryhmästä. NMI-Bulletin, 23 (3), 48-59.

Coordinating organisation

University of Tampere Psychology Clinic PSYKE

Researchers: Elina Vierikko (TAU) & Kati Rantanen (TAU & TAYS)


Tampere University Hospital, Unit of Pediatric Neurology

Neuropsychologist, PsT Kati Rantanen

Psychology Clinic PSYKE

PSYKE is a teaching and research clinic in the subject of psychology at the University of Tampere, focusing professional practice development work, client work, teaching and research in psychology.