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EOSC Future

Tampere University
Finnish Social Science Data Archive Group
Duration of project1.4.2021–30.9.2023
Area of focusHealth, Society, Technology

EOSC Future is implementing the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), a platform for open and FAIR data, resources and services for all scientific disciplines. The aim is to integrate existing data and services into one online environment and offer European researchers seamless access to interoperable services and resources for data management.

FSD participates in the project as a linked third party of CESSDA and as a member of the Social Science and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC). FSD takes part in a work package that will provide a common framework for a metadata model across the domains of life sciences and social sciences and humanities and to enhance findability and interoperability of data descriptions. The package will apply the framework to a use case linked to COVID-19 data.

Funding source

EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020

Coordinating organisation