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Family everyday life, economics and wellbeing (FamilyEconomics -research project)

Tampere University
Duration of project1.2.2024–31.12.2026
Area of focusSociety

Family everyday life, economics and wellbeing (FamilyEconomics research project)

The research project examines the experiences of parents, children, and young people regarding well-being, family relationships, and family economy, especially focusing on families’ financial practices. The longitudinal research project also examines how those experiences develop over time. Moreover, the research project analyzes changes in social security and benefits, and their impact on the wellbeing of families, children, and youth. The project also organizes roundtable discussions with policymakers, researchers, and experts, as well as NGOs and families.

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The main research questions are:

  • What kind of financial strategies families use? Who holds power and responsibility over family finances? 
  • How are changes in social security affecting family life in Finland?
  • How do financial difficulties, poverty and economic instability affect the well-being of families?
  • What kind of ideals of parenthood do parents have? What gives parents hope living in stressful financial situations?
  • What are the consequences of financial difficulties and poverty for children and young people?

The project produces (1) a comprehensive research review, (2) insights into the financial situation of families and child poverty from the perspectives of children, young people, and parents, and (3) research-based policy recommendations to support decision-making. The project gives a voice to the experiences of children, young people, and parents.

Funding source

Brita Maria Renlundin muistosäätiö (BMR-säätiö)

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Brita Maria Renludin säätiön logo



Steering group for the research project:

Anna-Maria Isola (THL)

Johanna Kiili (University of Jyväskylä)

Timo Toikko (University of Eastern Finland)

Anna Rönkä (University of Jyväskylä)

Lauri Mäkinen (Kela)

Ngan Tran (City of Helsinki) 

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