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GENUINE digi, Together towards genuine digital teaching and learning

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.5.2021–30.4.2023

Overall objective: Enhancing VET teachers’ digital skills

More detailed objectives: to increase VET teachers’ pedagogical online teaching skills and thereby increase the digital competences of both teachers and students, to develop a common inclusive digipedagogical model, to create training materials for VET teachers to improve their skills in designing and implementing an inclusive online course.


Despite the digital leap caused by COVID-19 and the rapid shift to distant and online learning spring 2020 the digital skills of vocational teachers and students are still at very different levels. This impairs learning outcomes and creates inequality between students. The training package/course now being developed through the project would increase VET teachers' possibilities to familiarise themselves with digital pedagogy and adopt new ways of using technology in a pedagogically meaningful way, thus evening out the differences in teachers' skills. Long-term impact of the project would be to increase the equality of VET-education with reference to the use of digital learning environments and digital tools.

Funding source

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership (SP)

Contact persons

Jori Leskelä
jori.leskela [at]

Yulia Sergeeva
julia.sergeeva [at]