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Health and wellbeing systems

Tampere University

Health and wellbeing systems encompass not only service and income transfer systems but also the impact that individuals, communities and the broader civic society have on health and wellbeing. Our academic staff specialising in health and wellbeing systems conduct high-quality research and teach students pursuing bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees or continuing education. Our shared goal is to promote societal renewal. Our staff often serve as experts, for example, for the welfare service counties, ministries, the EU and various UN agencies.   

This discipline is divided into four main areas, each addressing service systems and inequality as key research and teaching topics. These areas focus on the following unique but complementary themes: 

  • Social and health policy: the principles of the welfare state, including change and continuity. 
  • Social psychiatry: the social, demographic and cultural dimensions of mental health and mental disorders.  
  • Health economics: the costs and effectiveness of health and social services and the distribution of service use. 
  • Health services research: the institutional development of health services and the factors governing this development.

Contact persons

Lauri Kokkinen

Senior Research Fellow

lauri.kokkinen [at]

+358 50 3182 114