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The IJDFIN-study: Managing new intensified job demands through self-regulative resources

Tampere University

The IJDFIN-study: Managing new intensified job demands through self-regulative resources: A large-scale study across occupations and age groups

The IJDFIN-study will investigate work intensification and IJDs and their psychosocial implications for employees well-being and job performance. The study is a consortium project between Tampere University and University of Jyväskylä.


Work intensification and intensified job demands (IJDs) are new and little studied stressors in todays working life. Their psychosocial implications for employees as well as the resources with which employees can manage them are largely unknown. This four-year research project (IJDFIN) will investigate work intensification and IJDs and their psychosocial implications for employees well-being and job performance by also ascertaining whether and how self-regulative resources (life management strategies, job crafting and recovery from work) buffer against these demands.

Funding source

Academy of Finland
