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The implementation models of urban development projects - CityCen

Tampere University
Area of focusSociety, Technology

CityCen is a research project that develops models for the implementation of large urban development sites through cooperation between the public and private sectors. In other words, the project focuses on hybrid real estate development projects.

The project will run for approximately two years from November 2023.

Join us in this urban development research and co-development project!


Hybrid real estate development projects face major obstacles. They are usually implemented by large cities and are therefore large in scale. For example, schedules may be extended, costs may be excessive, and developers may feel that such a project isn't profitable.

Because hybrid real estate development projects are long-term and involve complex contracts, they are risky. At CityCen, we aim to address these risks through more sophisticated delivery models.


Our goal is to develop delivery models for large hybrid property development projects. This includes the contractual and financial agreements as well as the cooperation models of the participants. 

Impact of CityCen

The project brings together action networks and tools to implement hybrid real estate development projects. We provide relevant and practical research knowledge, and always communicate actively about our project. It also helps that the field of study is relevant to the cities and organisations working with hybrid real estate development projects.

Cooperation partners

AFRY Ark Studio
City of Helsinki 
Kiinteistönomistajat ja rakennuttajat Rakli ry
City of Lahti 
Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd
NCC Property Development Ltd 
City of Oulu 
Skanska CDF Ltd 
Talonrakennusteollisuus ry
City of Turku 
City of Vantaa