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Intelligent control in modern energy systems

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.1.2021–31.8.2023

As a result of the project, the know-how of intelligent controls for renewable and modern energy systems in Pirkanmaa will rise to top level in Finland. Concrete result will include the principles of intelligent control in different operating situations and implementations both in virtual environment and in real hybrid energy system with practical components. The results generated in the project can be widely utilized, as they are published and also shared in workshops organized by the project. The immediate effects of the project are related to control principles of modern usages of electric power, while the longer term effects will contribute more generally to efficient utilization of renewable energy and energy storage.


In the joint project of Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Tampere Adult Education Center a modern and
mobile hybrid energy system has been built that utilizes energy storage solutions as part of optimized use of
renewable electricity. This modern hybrid energy system provides exceptional technical capabilities for versatile
modern electric energy usages. These include for example carrying out the power balance of electric grid by means of energy storage and flexible loads, cutting the power peaks from electric grid by means of energy storage, and charging electric vehicles in such a way that power is partly taken from electric grid and partly from energy storage. The hybrid energy system has been built in two trailers enabling exceptional mobility and allowing much wider range of applications than the static system. Consequently, this mobile hybrid energy system can be transported to any such place that can be reached by a car.

In this project, this technically innovative energy system will be developed with intelligent controls, which will be demonstrated and implemented in collaboration with SMEs. These themes are already commercially interesting, and therefore companies have addressed great interest towards the project. AI based solutions to control modern energy systems will be developed in collaboration with SMEs.

Funding source

Euroopan alukehitysrahasto (EAKR) 2014-2020

Contact persons

Aki Korpela
aki.korpela [at]