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ITC device takeout

Tampere University
Hervanta Campus
City Centre Campus
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Device take-out at the ICT faculty

The faculty of Information technology and communication sciences has a pool of devices intended for the use of the staff and students. In the pool we have devices that are shared between researchers and research groups and on the other hand devices intended for completing coursework and thesis projects. Consequently, research and education are the acceptable uses of the devices.

To loan a device:

1. Reserve the device in the ResourceBooker. In Resource Booker choose "ITC device takeout". (Note: no need to wait for confirmation)

2. Contact ITC laboratory technician (Topi-Jussi Majanlahti (topi-jussi.majanlahti [at]  to make an appointment for picking up the device. 

3. Before your reservation ends, contact Topi-Jussi to make a new appointment to return the device. The device must be returned before the end of the loan period.

Detailed takeout and return instructions

Generally speaking, the devices are intended to be shared. One should reserve them only for the period of time that they are truly needed. Every hour that a device sits on somebody’s desk not being used is a waste. Try to plan your work so that waste happens as little as possible. Please include the time for device pick-up and return in your reservation.

Returns can also be made via mail. However in these cases you are responsible for the postage.

Hervanta Campus: At present no devices have their home site on the Hervanta campus. Civit has its own device rental/loan system.

Making a takeout request

In the ResourceBooker you can find a list of the devices.

When you click on a device, the reservation calendar for that device opens.

When you click a time slot on the calendar, a booking dialog pops up. In the dialog:

  • Give a descriptive title for your booking (e.g. "HTI.510, group 3")
  • Choose the starting and ending times for your booking.
  • In the description field, please give further information. If you need the device for studies, give the name of your teacher (course teacher, or thesis supervisor, depending on what your are using the device for).
  • If you do not fill in enough information, the person who approves the reservations will request for further information which will take time.  

After you have completed the booking, contact ITC laboratory technician Topi-Jussi Majanlahti (topi-jussi.majanlahti [at] to make an appointment for picking up the device. Your booking request will be reviewed and approved or rejected. If approved, the device will be handed over at Pinni B4045 according to the agreed timetable.