Research focus and goals
Work intensification and intensified job demands (IJDs) are new and little studied stressors in today’s working life. Their psychosocial implications for employees as well as the resources with which employees can manage them are largely unknown.
This four-year research project (IJDFIN) will investigate work intensification and IJDs and their psychosocial implications for employees’ well-being and job performance by also ascertaining whether and how self-regulative resources (life management strategies, job crafting and recovery from work) buffer against these demands. We shall examine these issues both quantitatively and qualitatively, also including longitudinal and multilevel research designs.
We shall moreover perform age- and occupation-specific analyses. The findings of this research can be utilized in stress management interventions, which can be tailored specifically to the needs of different age and occupational groups. The study is a consortium project between University of Tampere and University of Jyväskylä.
Saija Mauno
Professor, psykologia, alana työ- ja organisaatiopsykologiaMembers
Other members
- Taru Feldt, Professor, University of Jyväskylä (project leader in University of Jyväskylä),
taru.feldt [at], p. 040 805348
- Mari Huhtala, Adjunct Professor, University of Jyväskylä
- Katriina Hyvönen, PhD, University researcher, University of Jyväskylä