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Next Collaborative Steps into Employment

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Professional Teacher Education
Duration of project1.10.2018–30.9.2020

The aim is to develop clear processes for the practical training and apprenticeship as well as new methods of guidance and coaching for the practical training to ensure that all apprentices achieve their frameworks and move successfully into meaningful paid employment.


Partner countries and regions of NEXTSTEP project are sharing the same challenges faced by VET. The challenges includes the early student withdrawal, employment challenges of the students with fewer opportunities and rapidly changing future and demands of the working life sector. The aim of the NEXSTEP project is to collaborate, explore and share the ideas how to solve these problems. Through the  international lens this  gives us more options when we may scrutinize the challenges from different cultural perspective.

Funding source

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership (SP)

Contact persons

Yulia Sergeeva
julia.sergeeva [at]