The research group has two main research entities:
1. Utilization of oral health system research in terms of the quality and effectiveness of oral health care:
Individualized recall interval and its significance in oral health care. Reserach group: Anna Haukka, Jari Haukka, Minna Kaila, Anna Maria Heikkinen
Management of frequent attenders in primary care using a patient-centered care model. Reaserch group: Kim Nygård, Timo Kauppila, Ossi Rahkonen, Jari Hartzell, Tea Lallukka, Essi Teronen, Anna Maria Heikkinen
2. Clinical trials investigating the effectiveness of antibacterial photodynamic therapy (Lumoral®) treatment in the prevention and treatment of severe oral diseases are on going:
APDT-T2D: Antibacterial photodynamic therapy in the management and prevention of periodontitis symptoms in diabetic patients. Research group: Professor Anna Maria Heikkinen (PI), Miia Ehrnrooth, Patrick Saikkonen, Timo Sorsa, Andreas Pfuetzner, Marko Helenius, Pirkko Pussinen, Atte Vadén, Tommi Pätilä, Timo Kauppinen, Mikko Kylmänen.
LumoPrevent: Preventive oral healthcare with antibacterial photodynamic therapy for adolescents at risk of oral diseases. Research group: Professor Anna Maria Heikkinen (PI), Millamari Sarja, Teija Raivisto, Timo Kauppila, Tommi Pätilä, Timo Sorsa, Saila Pakarinen, Essi Teronen, Mikko Kylmänen.
OLP-01TRE: Antibacterial photodynamic therapy as an adjunctive treatment to corticosteroid treatment in OLP. Research Group: Professor Anna Maria Heikkinen (PI), Kati Ylä-Tuuhonen, Timo Sorsa, Jaana Hagström, Ulla Kotiranta, Esko Kankuri, Tommi Pätilä.
Contact persons
Professor Anna Maria Heikkinen
Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology
annamaria.heikkinen [at] (annamaria[dot]heikkinen[at]tuni[dot]fi)