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Pragmatics of Uncertainty

The Pragmatics of Uncertainty Research Group (PRONE) assembles social scientists working on the phenomena of uncertainty and risk. Especially, we examine the everyday practices of uncertainty management and the technologies used therein. The group is based at Tampere University and directed by Professor Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen

Uncertainty and its management affect many dimensions of how contemporary social life is experienced and governed, ranging from environmental problems, welfare provision, financial business and private well-being to waste management practices. In the last couple of years, the research conducted within our group has focused on questions such as the following: 

  • How do cities in Finland react to the need to make strategic decisions about their future practices in the context of complex, persistent and ever worsening environmental problems? 
  • How does insurance business try to mitigate and adapt to climate change? And how does climate change affect the ways in which diverse lines of insurance can operate in the future? 
  • How is the relationship between private and public forms of insurance and health care provision changing in Finland? What dimensions of well-being and solidarities are at stake? 
  • How does the increasing digitalisation of information management reflect on the ways in which uncertainty is perceived and governed? For example, does the newly available digitalised self-tracking transform the practices of life insurance?
  • What kinds of uncertainties are related to the emerging forms of circular economy? How are the strategies of waste management changing? And how are these changes acted on by either lay people or environmental activists?

The Pragmatics of Uncertainty Research Group (PRONE) was formally established in 2021 to assemble social scientists who work on the questions related to everyday management of uncertainty and risk. However, the history of the group streches back many years, to a number of earlier externally funded research projects that were directed by Lehtonen. 

The emphasis on ‘pragmatics’ is related to an understanding of social life and institutions coming about in practices that involve particular infrastructures, technologies, rationalities and experiences. For us, no scale of social life is pre-eminently important. Hence, some of our research endeavours have taken us to study global reinsurance; others have focused on welfare state institutions and their relationship to insurance rationalities; however, during the past few years, most of the group’s time has been devoted to questions of urban governance and climate change; yet, simultaenously, we have engaged in studying practices of behavioural insurance and self-tracking, not to mention activists’ reactions to circular economy. Importantly, in all of these cases, we study how in practices different scales and their inter-relationships come into being, are understood, stabilised and transformed.

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Contact persons

Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen

Professor of Sociology

Research Group Director

Email turo-kimmo.lehtonen [at]