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Renewing Dialogues in Social and Health Care – Leadership, Well-being and Productivity

Tampere University
Duration of project2.1.2019–31.12.2021

The quality of services for the elderly and challenges related to the child protection services are both subjects of intense discussion in Finland. One of the most effective ways to bring about rapid change is through practical development projects.


The proposed project is national and will be implemented in nine provinces in Finland. It will be co-ordinated by the University of Tampere and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF, The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health). The target organisations for the project are those providing services for the elderly and the child welfare services (child protection and special education). These organisations and their employees will be targeted by working with different professional groups as well as with those in managerial and supervisory positions. Development will be promoted through work management skills and practical working methods. At the heart of the development are the skills needed to achieve high quality work that has a customer orientation and includes customer safety. At the same time, the well-being of employees will be supported and psychosocial risks avoided.


The identification of development needs can improve practice by encouraging the sharing of good practices within organisations and between organisations. The needs of organisations will provide the basis for research-assisted, cooperative and dialogical development. Development activities will be tailored to each organisation.


Efficient management, smoothly running work processes and employees’ well-being at work all increase the quality of services delivered to customers. Development can support the well-being of employees and supervisors while enhancing their competence. The goal is to embed the management of well-being at work and the renewal of work processes through continuous development into the everyday processes and structures of work communities.

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Funding source

European Social Fund Development Project 2019–2021
