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Software expertise flexibly for working life - educational pilot in South Ostrobothnia

Tampere University
Duration of project15.11.2023–30.4.2025
Area of focusTechnology

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Description of the educational pilot

The goal is to increase software expertise in South Ostrobothnia and improve labor availability. The most essential difference to the ongoing master's programs is that the education does not lead to a degree. Instead it provides continuous learning for the needs of working life.

The education offered through the project is compiled from the web-based software education offered by Tampere University. Students will build their personal study paths, which eases the transition to new positions in the software and IT industry.

A package of in-depth courses in information technology consists of data-intensive programming, cloud technologies, web programming and architectures, the basics and special issues of cyber security, and data mining. You can either complete them all or choose individual courses according to your own interest and professional needs.

In-depth course suite of information-intensive software development

Also elementary courses are offered in programming and databases.

Elementary courses

In addition, all FiTech courses of Tampere University are available.

More information can be found in the Student's Guide of Tampere University.

The education is targeted for software professionals interested in raising their skill level. The courses are provided by the ITC faculty of the Tampere University.

Those selected for the training are granted the right to study until July 31, 2025.


The goal of the project is to increase software industry know-how in South Ostrobothnia and to increase the availability of skilled labor.

Funding source

Rahoittaja Jatkuvan oppimisen ja työllisyyden palvelukeskus

Coordinating organisation

University Consortium of Seinäjoki