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Tampere University
Duration of project1.1.2024–1.1.2027
Area of focusSociety, Technology

SYNTHETICA examines the complex and multifaceted ripple effects and limitations of AI-human interplay in the contexts of work, business, and society. It focuses on contemporary data-driven organizations through their ICT development and application practices as well as discursive constructions that manifest the limitations of this technology.

Limits will be addressed on several cross-sectional dimensions that include technical, human, sociocultural, and communicative. These dimensions will be operationalized via mixed method studies in three key intertwined research Work Packages that focus on the Language of AI (software), Limital Sensemaking (communication), and Algorithmic and Human Interplay (ventriloquial and social network analysis).

The goal of SYNTHETICA is to incite a new research paradigm that not only discusses limiting issues such as bias, ownership, and transparency but engages novel means of actuating them within social, political, and scholarly discourses.


Research Council of Finland


Communication Studies at the University of Vaasa (UVA): Tanja Sihvonen, PhD (UVA), Tomi Laapotti, PhD (UVA), Rebekah Rousi, PhD (UVA)
University of Jyväskylä Department of Language and Communication Studies: Marko Siitonen, PhD (JYU), Riikka Nissi, PhD (JYU), Mitra Raappana, PhD (JYU)