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Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.1.2021–31.7.2022

Our goals
1. Developing and adding small group activities for students
2. Creating a concept for an easily accessible counselling and well-being service to support group guidance
3. Offering students individual and group counselling and services to support mental well-being
4. Adding counselling by study psychologists
5. Putting together safe, communal student events


TreSilienssi - Supporting students' well-being with strong cooperation and guidance

Funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, TreSilienssi is a joint project for Tampere Universities whose aim is to support students' well-being and studies during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The extensive remote studying period caused by the pandemic has been stressful for many students. Students' well-being has decline, together with their social resources. The pandemic has also caused an uptick in loneliness.

Funding source

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (OKM)

Contact persons

Irmeli Nieminen
irmeli.nieminen [at]