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UCSEdu: Yliopistokoulutuksen vahvistaminen Etelä-Pohjanmaalla

Funded by the EU
Tampere University
Duration of project1.4.2023–30.9.2025

Regional disparities have increased and educational attainment has fallen sharply, especially in provinces without a university. In the availability comparison, South Ostrobothnia stands out as a clear blind spot in terms of university studies. The situation is accelerated by the transformation of work, which creates the need for a completely new kind of competence and the development of existing competence. South Ostrobothnia has a need for both degree education and new kinds of continuous learning education services.


The UCSEdu project supports the rise of competence and education levels in South Ostrobothnia. The number of university graduates in both the public and private sectors increases the level, productivity and quality of operations. The aim of the project is to build a long-term method of implementation for university education and to expand the possibilities of university education in South Ostrobothnia from the perspective of both degree education and continuous learning services. The project will continue to co-develop the network-like operating method that is characteristic of the university centre and create an operating method that will further strengthen the attractiveness of the university operations in South Ostrobothnia, utilising the benefits of digitalisation. The operating model of education is being built in active cooperation with the main campuses and partners. The new operating model will provide education services with a sustainable and attractive implementation base at the Seinäjoki University Centre.


The project will be carried out in cooperation between the University of Tampere, the University of Helsinki, the University of the Arts Helsinki and the University of Vaasa.


UCSEdu: Strengthening university education in South Ostrobothnia project has been granted ERDF funding from the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia on 27 June 2023. The total funding for the project is 580,000 euros.



European Regional Development Fund

Funding source

Etelä-Pohjanmaan liitto, EAKR

Coordinating organisation

Tampereen yliopisto



Helsingin yliopisto
Vaasan yliopisto

Contact persons

Mari Kekola
Asiantuntija, Koulutus ja yhteiskunnallinen vuorovaikutus

Seinäjoen yliopistokeskus UCS, Tampereen yliopisto
Kampusranta 9 C
60320 Seinäjoki

+358 50 591 7181