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VET and COVID-era challenges in inclusion of special needs students (Vaccine)

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.3.2021–31.5.2023

This project aims at having significant impact on its final target groups, students with special needs together with primary target group being teachers and trainers working with the aforementioned students. The impact is created in creating and distributing concrete toolboxes for each target group. These toolboxes contain clearly defined pedagogical and didactic work methods for teachers and tools for students to take part in hybrid learning according to their personal readiness. Prior to designing these tools, a study is made to find out which are the different levels of readiness (of teachers and students to adopt and use hybrid way of learning and teaching) and from that study, to create a readiness scale. After this, a set of tools and pedagogical approaches are designed to concretely answer to the needs of persons in each section of the readiness scale.

This project aims to support pedagogical and digital skills development of VET teachers. The project seeks new tools and methods for hybrid-model education for vulnerable students/students with special needs. The outcomes of the project (hybrid-model with its variations and readiness scale) can be used as an European level tools for adopting an further developing the new way of teaching and training the vulnerable students in VET. Models and toolboxes are internationally co-created but applicable to local challenges and circumstances in each partner country.

Helping Teachers to Work with Special Needs Students in Hybrid Learning Environment - Multiplier Event on 9 September 2022



TAMK-blogi 5.12.2022. Vaccine, hybridipedagoginen rokote, joka toimii (text in Finnish)


Kiipulasäätiö (coordinator), Finland
I.S.R.E. Instituto Superiore Internazional Salesiano di Ricerca Eductiva, Italy
Spok Sport und Kultur GmbH, Germany
Tredu, Finland
Research and Innovation Management GmbH, R!M, Austria

Contact persons

Mikko Turunen

Senior Lecturer

Pedagogical Innovations

mikko.o.turunen [at] (mikko[dot]o[dot]turunen[at]tuni[dot]fi)
