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Women’s Financial Subjectivities in Flux: Encountering Insecurities, Developing Strategies and Re-shaping the Self in Finland and Estonia (WoFiSu)

Tampere University
Duration of project1.1.2024–31.12.2027
Area of focusSociety

This 4-year post-doctoral research project investigates women’s responses to intensifying financial insecurities, weakening welfare regimes and growing societal expectations for self-contained financial management in Finland and Estonia. The study identifies women who engage with contemporary popular everyday finance teaching materials, widely conceptualised as financial self-help, and seek to transform their financial mindsets and realities. By dwelling into women’s life-trajectories, financial realities and imaginaries, and following ethnographically the process of turning the teachings into practise, the study seeks to learn about how women make sense of their financial practise and transforming financial subjectivities.



Projekti esimeses etapis uurin küsitluse abil Eesti naiste olukorda, käitumist ja orientatsioone seoses rahateemaga.

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