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TAUCHI - creating better human-technology interaction

Tampere University
LocationKanslerinrinne 1, Pinni B, 2. kerros


Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction TAUCHI provides wide and interdisciplinary expertise in the field of human-technology interaction. We carry out multidisciplinary research into human–technology interaction to harmonize the potential of technology with human abilities, needs, and limitations. We create better ways of interaction, and improve the quality of life and inclusion of select user groups including

  • mobile users
  • physically challenged users
  • visually impaired
  • children
  • elderly people

by enabling their use of information and communication technology.


Who's it for

We offer research and development, courses, and usability services to companies and the public sector.


How does it all happen

We cover all phases of research in human-technology interaction, for example: 

  • UX design and constructive research on new multimodal interaction concepts
  • UX evaluation
  • experimental basic research in laboratories

Our researchers co-create new technology with companies, leading to patentable novel solutions.


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