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Innovation services and commercialization of research results at Tampere University

We are actively building new business from research. Bringing scientific research and its results into practical application is essential for creating an impact in the world. We support researchers in finding funding opportunities and provide collaboration possibilities for investors, companies, and business developers who want to be part of research innovations.

We help researchers utilize research results and find partners with whom the impact of research can be promoted in society. One form of impact is the commercial exploitation of research results. This means, for example, transferring inventions created in collaborative research projects with cooperation companies for the benefit of society.

Business Finland's Research to Business funding acts as the most significant financial instrument for commercializing research results.

We have active commercialization projects financed by Business Finland running continuously from 10 to 20. Additionally, we generate 2–5 research-based spin-off companies every year.

Opportunities for cooperation

For investors

There are several commercialization projects in the Tampere Universities, the goal of which is new business, for example through spin-off companies. Innovation Services actively presents projects and teams seeking funding to potential investors.

Get to know our commercialization projects and find an investment opportunity

If you are interested in hearing more about projects or teams looking for funding, please contact innovationservices [at] (innovationservices[at]tuni[dot]fi).

For companies

We are responsible for the management, transfer, sale and licensing of intellectual property rights (IPR, i.e. inventions, patents and trademarks) of Tampere Universities. We handle transfers of intellectual property rights to partners. 

Check out the technologies offered below and contact innovationservices [at] (innovationservices[at]tuni[dot]fi) if you are interested in hearing more about IPR. We can also collaborate to build a more comprehensive framework around technology transfer and a contract research project. 

Explore our available technologies

Companies can also utilize Tampere University's research infrastructures and cooperate with us in research.

Read more about other services offered to companies

For business developers

We are regularly looking for business developers to support the commercialization ideas that arise from our research innovations. Business developers are tasked with mapping and building commercialization paths as part of the commercialization project team.

If you are interested in working as a business developer, contact us at innovationservices [at] (innovationservices[at]tuni[dot]fi).

For research proposal developers and ideators

Impact Canvas® -tool is aimed to enhance early idea testing and development with the focus on the impact on the society and/or the customer need. It works as a tool to facilitate the ideation and development process as well as a platform for diversity of applications from different fields of research.

Read more about Impact Canvas®

Get to know past commercialization projects and established companies

Tampere University and its predecessors have been promoting the use of research results in business since 2012. Business Finland's commercialization funding has been granted to over 60 projects.

Read more about past projects (2021–)

Read more about past projects (2012–2020)

Get to know the established companies and the services provided by Tamlink 

Donations help us leverage research results

Putting scientific research and research results into practice is an important part of the University’s societal impact. We support the commercial and non-commercial utilisation and dissemination of research results and solutions across society. By donating, you help us to translate research findings into practical solutions for people and society.

Innovation Services team at your service