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SIILI research project: Early support for reading abilities

Tampere University
Area of focusSociety

The aim of the Siili research project is to promote the prevention of dyslexia. The project examines the effectiveness of the ESKO Siili groups in supporting reading abilities. The aim of the groups is to provide preventive support in the acquisition of reading skills for those in need, as well as to inspire and motivate children to practice reading skills. The project also looks for factors that predict the need for enhanced support in learning reading skills and supporting reading motivation in primary education.


The difficulty of reading is the most common difficulty of learning in school. Reading difficulties have far-reaching effects: They are sensitive to a child's reading motivation and learning motivation in general. It is possible to predict the risk of dyslexia already in the preschool phase, and it is thus possible to address it even before the problems accumulate and become more difficult. The city of Tampere has developed a model for early identification and support for children who need enhanced training in reading skills using neuropsychological rehabilitation expertise. In the spring of the year of preschool education, the development of children's reading skills is supported in the ESKO Siili groups, which use the methods and approaches of neuropsychological rehabilitation guided by special education teachers in early childhood education.


The aim of this research project is to find out the effectiveness of the ESKO Siili groups in strengthening the key skills and motivation for learning in children who have a noticeable need for support in their reading abilities at the beginning of the preschool year and to find out what factors during preschool predict the continued need for enhanced support in the first and second grade.


Manual of the ESKO Siili method

A handbook on the ESKO Siili method is being prepared, which will be published in cooperation with the Niilo Mäki Institute. The planned release date is 2023.


Theses done in the Siili research project:

Pollari, Eveliina (2022). Lapsen tunne- ja vireystilan vaikutukset lukivalmiuksien kehittymiseen ESKO Siili -intervention aikana. Psykologian pro gradu -tutkielma, Tampereen yliopisto.

Ortila, Narda (2021). Lukivalmiuksia vahvistava interventio tukemassa esiopetusikäisten tehtäväorientaatiota ja kiinnostusta lukivalmiuksien harjoitteluun. Psykologian pro gradu -tutkielma. Tampereen yliopisto.

Sarlund, Katariina (2021). Esikouluaikaisten lukivalmiuksien ja motivationaalisten tekijöiden yhteys lapsen lukimotivaatioon ja tehtäväorientaatioon toisella luokalla.Psykologian pro gradu -tutkielma. Tampereen yliopisto.

Pollari, Eveliina (2021). Lapsen kyky omien emotionaalisten kokemusten tunnistamiseen esikouluiässä. Psykologian kandidaatintutkielma. Tampereen yliopisto.

Luume, Matti (2020). ESKO Siili -ryhmien vaikuttavuus esikouluikäisten lasten lukivalmiuksen kehitykseen. Psykologian pro gradu -tutkielma. Tampereen yliopisto.

Moilanen, Milja ja Sotala, Eveliina (2020) ”Kyl mä osaan ja voin yrittää”: Varhaiskasvatuksen erityisopettajien käsityksiä motivoivasta pedagogiikasta ESKO siili -interventiossa. Kasvatustieteiden pro gradu -tutkielma.

Pänkäläinen, Katariina (2019) Työmuistin, lyhytkestoisen kielellisen muistin ja toiminnanohjauksen ja tarkkaavuuden vaikeuksien yhteydet esikouluikäisten lukivalmiuksiin ja lukivalmiusinterventiosta hyötymiseen. Psykologian pro gradu -tutkielma. Tampereen yliopisto.

Coordinating organisation

Psychology Clinic PSYKE in University of Tampere


City of Tampere

Neuropsychologist, PsM Katja Nivala

Psychology Clinic PSYKE

PSYKE is a teaching and research clinic in the subject of psychology at the University of Tampere, focusing professional practice development work, client work, teaching and research in psychology.