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Tampere University
Duration of project1.1.2024–31.12.2026
Area of focusSociety, Technology

SmartRail, a network and ecosystem formed by Škoda Transtech, the City of Tampere, Tampere University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and several other actors, has taken up the challenges of the digital-green transition in the transport sector and set itself the goal of creating the most attractive tram-integrated services on the market. The ecosystem has already implemented tram-related technological and service innovations and developed tools to ceate an autonomous tram.

The third innovation phase of SmartRail was launched at the beginning of 2024, aimed at developing tram-connected digital mobility services and scalable technology solutions for the sustainable, service-oriented and safe autonomous future of urban mobility. The project will create data-driven solutions to improve the travel experience, seamless travel chains and road safety for pedestrians, cyclists and special groups.


Business Finland
