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TAMK Student's Handbook

Orientation to studies

Orientation to studies

Universities of Applied Sciences use a wide variety of practical study methods, depending on the field: lectures, seminars, reports, learning diaries, simulations, project work, study companies, internships at workplaces ... In addition to primary schooling, your studies also include independent studying alone and in different groups.

OPS and HOPS as study manuals

Each degree program has a curriculum, OPS, which is available at In the OPS you will find the structures and courses of your degree program. Your studies are based on the OPS, which is why you should already be familiar with it at the beginning of your studies.

OPS is the basis for your own personal study plan, HOPS. By designing your studies and updating your HOPS, you can build your own learning path.

Read more about Study Planning and HOPS.

Student Information Systems

Through the student's Pakki, you can plan and follow the progress of your studies. TAMK's official communication channels are e-mail, intranet and the student guide - follow these regularly. Different online learning environments, such as Tabula (Moodle), are used in the courses. Mobile app Tuudo helps you with your everyday issues, including: to track your own schedule and credits, and to find the main campus map, menu and key services. The use of information systems is taught to you at orientation days.

Student rights and responsibilities

As a student, you have rights and responsibilities related to studying. The most important rules for studying are the study rule and the rule of law. All study instructions are in the student's guide.

Study tutoring and counselling

Each starting student group has a teacher tutor who supports the progress of their group's studies. In addition, you are guided by your studies. study counsellors and other degree program experts. The peer tutors trained by student union Tamko are also helpful. Often the closest help for practical questions can be found among the other students in your group - your group will agree on common communication tools, so please use them.


Wellbeing and student life

Student ability to work

Ability to study refers to the student's ability to work. It affects the progress of studies, the results and the well-being of the student and the community. Watch a video about things that affect your ability to study. Do you feel that your time management, your study technology and your teamwork skills are all right? If you wish, you can use your tips to find out what your skills are like on the Kuntoutussäätiö (rehabilitation foundation) website.

Come join the university exercise!

SportUni enables higher quality, more versatile and equal sports services for students and staff in the Tampere area. In addition to the TAMK Sports Center, you can also visit the Hervanta campus in Tamppi Arena and Atalpa at the center campus.

Student union as student support and security

Tamko (Kuntokatu 3, L-Building), a student union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences, acts as a student representative, promoting student well-being and rights. Upon joining the Student Union, you will receive a student card that entitles you to student benefits. The student card can be ordered here and all you need to know about student life is in Tamko's student guide. See Tamko's video.

Student Tampere

Opiskelijan Tampere ry operates in the Pirkanmaa region and provides students with services and benefits, including: student discounts and free apartment broker service. On the student's website in Tampere, you will also find an event calendar and information about the most student-friendly city of Finland, Tampere.

Work and livelihood

Working Life Services help with your job search

Working life services help with job search issues and documents such as applications, CVs, and video-CVs. In addition to career guidance and counseling, Working Life Services helps you to find training and thesis jobs. Whether you are at any stage of your studies, you are always welcome to come by  and have a talk at the office. Read more about working life services (link coming)

Financial Aid

If you collect Kela's study grant (opintotuki), read carefully the instructions for Kela's students. Please note in particular the maximum support time for university studies, the sufficient progress of studies and the impact of income on study support. If there are any changes in your situation, please remember to inform Kela. Take a look at the Kela guidelines for university students and Kela's various information and communication channels. By staying in the Facebook opintotuki page, you can keep up-to-date with study support. Ask the Kela column for questions and answers to questions about study support.

If you have been working longer, you may be eligible for adult education support.


Looking for course books or work space?

The University of Tampere Library serves and guides you in acquiring information at all campuses. The library offers you a comprehensive collection of course books and a wealth of e-material services. The library also offers versatile and comfortable working spaces for self-study and group learning. Check out our library services.

Internationality - an opportunity for everyone

Are you interested in an international career? Would you like to go abroad to study or practice? TAMK has partner universities and project activities around the world. Be curious and feel free to choose the most suitable item for you! Or more interested in Internationalization at home? You do not always have to go out to the sea to fish. You will hear about the possibilities of kv after your studies, but you can get to know different options right now. Read more about it in the Student Guide.

Who can I contact?

Need for a study certificate or a transcript?

Study services help you with these and many other study-related issues at TAMK campuses. Services and service hours can be found in the Student's Guide.

Help with technical problems

You will use electronic materials, services and learning environments in your studies. The most important services are assembled at Also read about using your own devices and working remotely and see for example the possibility to download Microsoft Office software free of charge.


Problems with your health health or difficult life situations?

In matters relating to health and difficult life situations, you can turn to, for example, student health care or school pastor. Do this if you become ill - see a video on the presentation of student health care.

Learning difficulties or other learning problems

If you know or suspect you have learning difficulties, please contact your teacher tutor or student counsellor. TAMK has the opportunity to do a reading test under the guidance of a special teacher. You can also find peer support, information and training on the website of the Erilaisten oppijoiden liitto (different learners union). There are different learners from the Pirkanmaa region in Tampere, which you can also find on Facebook.

Also check out the website, where you can find, among other things, material related to student life, well-being and life skills, stories, events, discussion forum and chats.

Published: 20.2.2019
Updated: 20.6.2024