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TAMK Student's Handbook

Enrolment for the academic year

This page contains information about the enrolment of students for the academic year at TAMK (applies to both degree students and vocational teacher education students).  
Notice! Information on enrolment for the academic year at Tampere University can be found in the Tampere University Student’s Handbook. 

Information on enrolment for the academic year at TAMK 

To preserve your study right, you have to register for attendance or non-attendance each academic year.

If you are on extension time, registration for attendance will be made automatically for you.

Please register for the following academic year in PAKKI on 1 March – 31 May. You can change your registration for the spring semester by 30 November by contacting the coordinator.

Tuition fee paying students can not register through PAKKI. Tuition fee-paying students are enrolled as present when their 1st installment of tuition fee is received (50% of annual fee). Payment through Flywire. 

Further information can be found in the Degree Regulations 13§.

If you complete national service in accordance with the Conscription Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007) or Act on Voluntary Military Service for Women (194/1995) or you are on maternity, paternity or parental leave, the period of absence is not counted into the total duration of studies.

If you are absent

You can use your network username and student email but do not have the right to complete studies. You are not entitled to student financial aid, meal subsidy, travel discounts or any benefits of the student union membership.

If you forget to register

Please, read more information ‘Did you forget registration and lose your study right?’

If you want to change your registration

From attendance to non-attendance

You may apply for change of your registration for a justified reason. Change from attendance to non-attendance requires the director of education's decision. The application is delivered to the  coordinator of your degree programme.

Form: Change of registration

From non-attendance to attendance

Please notify the coordinator in your degree programme of change of registration from non-attendance to attendance.

Published: 21.2.2019
Updated: 11.7.2024