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TAMK Student's Handbook

Accident insurance for students

Insurance cover for students

Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd's principal insurance company is LähiTapiola mutual insurance company from 1 January 2017 and as regards statutory accident insurance from 1 April 2017.

Contact persons for students' accident notices: Mervi Vainikainen tel. 050 3119 735 / Reetta Palander tel. 040 8016 254 / Milja Kaartinen tel. 050 365 1142 or Satu Kelhä tel. 040 8016 251.

What is an accident?

A sudden and unexpected event which is caused by an external reason and causes an unwanted injury to the insured

  • Event: eg trip, fall, slip, hit, twisting, cut
  • Injury: eg fracture, wound, strain, bruise, dislocation, bump, concussion

In order to be compensated, the injury or illness has to be caused by the event.

Accident guidelines for students

If instant medical treatment is required, visit the hospital first. Tell that you are a student of Tampere University of Applied Sciences and TAMK's insurance company is LähiTapiola. Do the accident notice as soon as possible.

If instant medical treatment is not required, do the accident notice first. If the accident is covered by the statutory accident insurance, you will receive an insurance certificate to your mobile phone. It facilitates the hospital visit.

To fulfill the form, contact Study Affairs Coordinator.

The insurance certificate is not a financial commitment. If an operation or some other expensive treatment is required, the attending doctor requests a financial commitment from the insurance company. Doctors usually know what to do in such situations with the insurance company. You do not have to take care of the matter.

What insurance covers the accident?

The accident is covered by the statutory accident insurance if the accident took place

  • in unsalaried practical training belonging to TAMK studies
  • on a journey to or from unsalaried practical training or
  • in a practical lesson at TAMK

Blood accidents and cannula prick accidents are primarily covered by the statutory accident insurance.

Guidelines on accidents covered by the statutory accident insurance:

  1. Notify your teacher and study affairs coordinator of the accident (Mervi Vainikainen, Reetta Palander, Milja Kaartinen or Satu Kelhä)
  2. The study affairs coordinator provides an insurance certificate based on the information given by you
  3. You receive the mobile insurance certificate to your mobile phone (or alternatively a printed insurance certificate)
  4. If treatment requires a magnetic resonance imaging or some other demanding treatment, the doctor sends a written financial commitment request and statement to LähiTapiola
  5. LähiTapiola selects the most appropriate hospital and gives the related financial commitment.

The accident is covered by the collective accident insurance if the accident took place

  • in a theory lesson
  • in a break or sports lesson
  • on a daily journey to or from the school
  • during a trip or visit included in the curriculum or
  • on an immediate journey from home or school to the place where the thesis is completed or back

Guidelines on accidents covered by the collective accident insurance:

  1. Notify the study affairs coordinator of the accident
  2. Fill in an accident notice either together with the study affairs coordinator or with the insurance number given by the study affairs coordinator. Your bank account number is needed when filling in the accident notice
  3. You have to pay the treatment costs first and then apply for the compensation from Kela (the hospital usually applies for the compensation directly)
  4. If treatment requires a magnetic resonance imaging or some other demanding treatment, the doctor sends a written financial commitment request and statement to LähiTapiola
  5. LähiTapiola selects the most appropriate hospital and gives the related financial commitment.

You have to keep all accident-related receipts for a year. The insurance company notifies if it needs the receipts. In that case the documents can be sent post-free. LähiTapiola deals with the event and sends the compensation decision to you.

Insurance cover for foreign students

TAMK's statutory accident insurance covers foreign students who are completing a Finnish degree at TAMK.

The statutory accident insurance for students does not cover students who are completing a foreign degree in an educational institution abroad and temporarily come to Finland to complete a degree-related practical training or student exchange. In these cases, students have to be insured in their home country. However, TAMK's collective accident insurance covers exchange students but they should take a travel insurance for treatment expenses caused by illnesses.

Insurance cover for TAMK’s outgoing exchange students and trainees

The accident insurances are valid as in Finland. Tampere University of Applied Sciences does not have a travel insurance (travel insurance = traveller's insurance and luggage insurance) for students.

Published: 4.2.2019
Updated: 17.6.2024