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TAMK Student's Handbook

Crisis communication

In the event of a crisis either the top management of TAMK or Tampere University or the public authority that takes charge of the emergency management activities will decide who communicates what and when. The primary goal of crisis communications is to provide accurate information as quickly and widely as possible to internal and external audiences that need immediate information.

For crisis communications to be effective, it is important to deliver accurate and timely information via functional channels while giving careful consideration to the current stage of the crisis. Responsible and proactive communications serve the interests of both internal and external audiences. In unforeseen circumstances, crisis communications can play a role in deciding the appropriate course of action and analysing the situation. Effective post-crisis communications can help the organisation recover and move beyond the crisis.

For more infomation please contact turvallisuus [at] (Safety Team).


Inform of accidents or other disruptions

  • call national emergency service number, tel. 112
  • thereafter start calling TAMK’s emergency group – if the first person on the list does not answer, continue the list forward as long as someone answers:
  1. Mikko Naukkarinen, 050 077 2269
  2. Merja Jortikka, 040 869 6100
  3. Matti Pietilä, 040 557 6440
  4. Niku Hinkka, 050 574 9737
  5. Piia Tienhaara, 040 540 9082

In case of a crisis, TAMK's management or the authorities in charge decide on when, how and who informs about the situation. The primary objective is to disseminate accurate information as fast and extensively as possible.

Follow communications in crisis situations

  • Read the emergency SMS sent to your mobile phone.
  • Follow guidelines given by the security staff.
  • Follow social media channels.
  • Check your email.
  • Search for further information on the intranet.


TAMK's president leads communication in crisis situations. When he is prevented, Mikko Naukkarinen takes his place. They are helped by TAMK’s steering group on security and rescue operations and functional crisis group. The head of TAMK's communications services is a member of the first-mentioned group. Information management professionals are invited when the situation calls for large-scale communication or tools.

Crisis communication guidelines, models and checklists can be found on TAMK wiki. Persons in charge of crisis operations have access to the wiki portal.

Communication measures start by commission of the president. The president may delegate the communication responsibility when he has to focus on situation management. The used communication channels are determined based on the crisis scale, effects, available services and target groups.

Communication channels in acute crisis situations:

  • telephone calls (lists of persons to be contacted)
  • mass distribution of SMS (staff, students)
  • mass distribution of email (staff, students)
  • email based on a distribution list (external parties)
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • intranet (emergency news + further information)
  • website (emergency news + further information)
  • info monitors (emergency news)
  • oral information (megaphone announcements, information sessions)
  • written news

1. Internal communication

Internal communication aims at reaching all persons immediately affected by the crisis as fast and effectively as possibly. The key target groups are TAMK staff, students and interest groups in the facilities.

The most recommended channels in acute situations are SMS or email. They inform everybody of the situation as simultaneously as possible and in the same form. Other fast internal communication channels are intranet and info monitors.

The message tells shortly and in a matter-of-fact style what happened, to whom, where and when. It also tells how the situation is handled at TAMK, by whom (this directs potential questions to them) and where to find further information. Clear Finnish is used in communication and the key content is given in English.

2. External communication

The president or a person authorised by him is in charge of external communication and answering to questions. External target groups include for example victims’ close relatives, authorities and media. In extensive crisis situations, rescue authorities are in charge of situation management and communication.

Media contacts may be established on the media’s or TAMK’s initiative. The person in charge of TAMK’s crisis communication maintains a list on the most important media and takes care of news distribution and media follow-up.

When a crisis becomes public, communication has to be active and open. The aim is to keep the situation calmly in control and serve the media professionally but respecting human values. The general public’s viewpoint is emphasised in the media and thus communication has to be understandable. Published news have to be followed and inaccuracies have to be corrected immediately.

If the media ask for an interview

Only the management or a person authorised by the management may give statements on the crisis situation on behalf of the university of applied sciences. Only authorities may inform or give the permission to inform about accident reasons and consequences.

In an interview or news, tell openly and honestly:

  • what happened, where and when (only facts, no speculation)
  • who are concerned, how operations or people are affected
  • what measures were started, who is in charge of managing the situation
  • how or why the crisis situation originated
  • when and how development of the situation is informed of
  • who provides further information

The media often want to interview those involved in the crisis situation. If a journalist interviews you, you can represent yourself and tell about your experiences. The situation management gives public and official statements.

3. Follow-up

The communication, security and rescue groups follow feedback and development of the need for communication in different crisis phases and direct communication based on them. The groups evaluate when the situation is normalising and if communication measures are still needed. Recording of crisis events and analysis of measures help in developing crisis communication.

Inform of misconducts

If you suspect a staff member or student of a misconduct, inform TAMK's management (president, service director or HR director) of it immediately.

The person in charge of data protection should immediately be informed of ICT misconducts (Niku Hinkka, niku.hinkka [at] (niku[dot]hinkka[at]tuni[dot]fi), 050 4717 969).

Published: 1.2.2019
Updated: 14.6.2024