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Tampere University Student's Handbook

International internships (outgoing interns)

An internship that is counted towards a student's degree at Tampere University may be completed abroad. The credits for the internship can be included in the internationalisation module. Students can either apply for an internship through an internship programme or contact potential host organisations by themselves. Grants are available for outgoing interns.

The Erasmus+ programme offers students the opportunity to complete a paid internship in a company or other organisation located in one of the participating countries. Students apply for Erasmus+ internships independently. The participating countries include all the EU member states as well as Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Macedonia and Turkey. All degree students registered at Tampere University are eligible to apply for Erasmus+ internship grants. As the internship must be counted towards the Tampere University degree, students must agree on the recognition of the credits with their faculty well in advance before their internship begins.

Supplementary allowances are available under Erasmus+ for students with special needs to cover the additional costs that they will incur while interning abroad.

Additional information

International Mobility Services mobility.tau [at] (mobility[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Published: 30.1.2019
Updated: 20.6.2024