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Equality and non-discrimination at Tampere University

The legal requirements as regards equality and non-discrimination are implemented according to the Tampere University’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy 2023-2025. Furthermore, Tampere University has a separate Accessibility Policy for years 2023-2024. In our higher education community, we are committed to applying the Safer Spaces Policy, which was drawn up as a collaborative effort.


At TREY Student Union of Tampere University, the perspective of equality is present in all operations. Read more about equality work at TREY.

Equality and non-discrimination survey

The Equal Opportunities Committee conducted an equality and non-discrimination survey to the staff in autumn 2022. A summary of the results.

Equal Opportunities Committee

The President has appointed an Equal Opportunities Committee which is responsible for monitoring and assessing the achievement of the goals set out in the University’s Equality and Non-discrimination Policy and Accessibility Policy. The committee prepares a report to the University management every two years. The committee can also make proposals and issue statements concerning the fulfilment and development of equality and non-discrimination across the University. The committee communicates equality-related topics to the University community. The members of the committee form a comprehensive network representing faculties, service units and TREY and enabling multi-directional communication as well as coordination of equality and non-discrimination work.

The terms of the members appointed to the Equal Opportunities Committee will run to 31 July 2026. Contact: yhdenvertaisuus.tau [at] (yhdenvertaisuus[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi).

Members of the Equal Opportunities Committee 2023-2026:

Paula Järvenpää, Development Manager, Operations Management and Administrative Services, Chair
Mervi Kaukko, Professor, EDU
Jonna Lahti, Information Specialist, Library
Helena Leppäkoski, Senior Research Fellow, ENS
Sarianne Merikanto, Senior Specialist, Finance
Marjukka Mikkonen, Doctoral Researcher, MAB
Sari Nieminen, Head of Unit, IT
Olli Nuutinen, Education Specialist, Education and Learning
Toni Pakkala, University Lecturer, BEN
Ville Rantanen, Senior Specialist, Research and Innovation
Anna Rastas, University Lecturer, SOC
Sara Riihimäki, Communications Specialist, Communications and Marketing
Jaana Salmensivu-Anttila, Development Manager, HR Services, Expert Secretary
Lauri Sydänheimo, Professor, MET
Nataliya Strokina, Staff Scientist, ITC
Raisa Suominen, Senior Specialist, HR Services

Taru Kaera, Education and Learning, acts as an expert member in accessibility work. In addition, TREY has appointed two members to the committee: Laura Kaipia and Jemina Niskala.

Development Manager Paula Järvenpää acts as the chair of the committee and Development Manager Jaana Salmensivu-Anttila as the expert secretary.

If you suspect that you have been treated unequally, discriminated against or harassed

Harassment contacts and instructions

You can contact the harassment contacts, whose jobs include addressing cases of inappropriate treatment and harassment at Tampere University. Please see contacts and instructions:

External bodies

Ombudsman for Equality
If you suspect that your employer, University or other body has discriminated against you because of your gender, gender identity or gender expression, or otherwise violated the law on equality between women and men, you can ask the Ombudsman for Equality for guidance, advice, and help in resolving the matter. The Ombudsman for Equality can also provide you with other information on the Act on Equality between Women and Men.

Office of the Ombudsman for Equality, Helpline number: +358 295 666 842 (on Monday to Tuesday at 9–11 and Wednesday to Thursday at 13–15). Instructions and a secure contact form available on the website.

Non-Discrimination Ombudsman
If you have experienced or observed discrimination on grounds of age, origin, nationality, language, religion, belief, opinion, political activity, trade union activities, family relationships, health, disability, sexual orientation or other personal grounds, you can also turn to the Ombudsman for Equality.

Office of the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman, Customer service number: +358 295 666 817 (on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10–12), also chat (on Monday and Wednesday at 13-15 and on Friday at 10–12). Instructions and a secure contact form available on the website.

Regional State Administrative Agency 
If you suspect that you have been discriminated against on one of the grounds prohibited by law, but your employer is unable to provide you with clarification, you can contact Occupational safety and health authorities at the Regional State Administrative Agency to clarify the matter. You can also contact us anonymously. It is recommended acting quickly, since the discrimination claim may expire. Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland,  Tampere, switchboard +358 295 018 450, tyosuojelu.lansi [at] (t)yosuojelu.lansi [at] (yosuojelu[dot]lansi[at]avi[dot]fi)

Published: 27.2.2019
Updated: 11.6.2024