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Tampere University Student's Handbook

Finnish as a second language

Finnish courses offered by the Language Centre range from A1 to B2 level. Check the contents and schedules in Sisu or in the Student guide's curriculum section. You can also find information on Finnish courses on Studying Finnish site in intra (in English). In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the language levels as described by the Council of Europe.

Language level descriptionCEFR skill levelCourse
 A1LANG.SUV.001 Finnish 1, 3 cr
Basic language userA1LANG.SUV.002 Finnish 2, 2 cr
 A2LANG.SUV.003 Finnish 3, 3 cr
 A2LANG.SUV.004 Finnish 4, 2 cr
 A2LANG.SUV.005 Finnish 5, 3 cr
Basic language userA2LANG.SUV.006 Finnish 6, 2 cr
 B1LANG.SUV.007 Finnish 7, 3 cr
 B1LANG.SUV.008 Finnish 8, 2 cr
 B1LANG.SUV.009 Finnish for Working Life, 2 cr
Independent language userB1LANG.SUV.010 Communication in Finnish 1, 2 cr
 B2LANG.SUV.011 Communication in Finnish 2, 2 cr
 B2–C1LANG.SUV.012 Academic writing for proficiency levels B2–C1, 2 cr


Published: 25.1.2024
Updated: 4.7.2024