Criminal background
The term SORA (SOveltumattomuuteen RAtkaisuja) refers to legal provisions under which universities are entitled to exclude a candidate who is considered on justifiable grounds to be unsuitable for a place on a particular degree programme. The purpose of these provisions is to protect patients, customers, minors and students and improve the safety of study and work environments. In addition, the SORA provisions are in place to protect the legal rights of students or applicants to whom the provisions are applied.
The fields of study that fall within the scope of these provisions at Tampere University are: logopedics, medicine, psychology, psychotherapist training, social work, teacher training. In relation to these fields of study, the Universities Act sets out special provisions regarding student admission, the revocation and restoration of a student’s right to study, the delivery of a police certificate of good conduct, drug screening and student discipline.
Presenting a certificate of good conduct
The SORA provisions set out in the Universities Act may be enforced especially in connection with classroom instruction, internships, supervised medical training and psychotherapy training.
Students who have been admitted to programmes that fall within the scope of the SORA provisions in 2012 or thereafter may be required to present a certificate of good conduct to demonstrate their lack of a criminal record in accordance with guidelines provided by their faculty. Students who must complete a study-related internship or perform other tasks where they will be in contact with minors will be required to present the certificate. The certificate must be presented before the internship or assignment begins. For more information, please contact the study services staff in your faculty.