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Applying to Tampere University doctoral programmes

The application as a doctoral student takes place through the university’s doctoral programmes. Before applying to a doctoral programme, the applicant should discuss the possible topic of the dissertation and other study plans with a professor or an adjunct professor in the field. Doctoral students need a responsible supervisor who oversees their progress towards their degree as well as a co-supervisor, or a follow-up group. Detailed information on applying to a doctoral programme is available in the admission requirements of the programme and feel free to contact our faculties.

Instructions in brief

  1. Carefully read through the admissions requirements for your doctoral programme.
  2. Draft a research plan (incl. preliminary plans on research data schedule, and funding) before contacting a prospective supervisor, so that they may get a good idea of your research topic before they agree to be your supervisor.
  3. When you have a supervisor, re-check the admission requirements and instructions and prepare to apply in

Before contacting a prospective supervisor, please think through the following questions

  • Why do you want to become a doctoral student and complete a doctoral degree?
  • In which field do you want to create new knowledge?
  • What learning needs do you have in that research field?
  • What learning needs do you have on scientific methods?
  • Which empirical problem or a question you have in mind for (a) research question(s) and to which scientific field they belong?
  • From where and how are you intending to acquire your research data?
  • What is your intended schedule for completing your doctoral dissertation, i.e. when do you think you will have your public defence?
  • How much of your time are you able to dedicate for your studies and writing your doctoral dissertation?
  • How does your work community and your situation in life support your doctoral studies?
  • Explore different ways of funding and plan how to fund your research?

Admissions reguirements and application periods

Continuous application

These programmes have continuous application process in autumn and spring.

The autumn application period: 1 August – 29 November 2024, 15:00 (UTC+2). 

The programmes announce results once a month, latest on the last workday of the month, except in December when the results are announced already on 20 December. Please see details on the admissions criteria of each programme.

For the Doctoral Programme of Humans and Technologies

The first application period in academic year 2024–2025: 1 August - 2 September 2024, 15:00 (UTC+3).

The results are announced latest 30 September 2024.

Please see details on the admission in the academic year 2024–2025 in the admissions criteria of the programme.

Application period every other year

The application period for IPPE was organised 14 November – 15 December 2022, 15:00 Finnish time. 

Detailed instructions

Detailed information on admission requirements and programme specific instructions is available on each programmes page in service. Please see the general instructions on how to apply at:

Instructions on how to apply

Instructions on how to apply for IPPE