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Open University: MOOC-studies

The massive open online courses (MOOCs) offered by Tampere University are, as the name suggests, open to everyone. You can generally take these MOOCs at your own pace, whenever it suits you best. MOOCs are a great opportunity to see if you are interested in further studies in a particular field of science. If you find yourself keen to learn more, you can later enrol in other courses at Open University or even pursue a degree at Tampere University!

What is a MOOC?

MOOCs are open courses that can be completed entirely online offered to you by our Open University. You may apply for these courses through the Open University’s Admissions Service, and upon completion, the credits you have earned will be added to your academic record. The MOOCs are priced in the same way as other Open University studies.

MOOCs may also include sections published for exploration or self-study, which do not require registration or the right to study.

In the implementation details of the course, you will find a link to the learning environment where you can see the course materials.

Applying for the courses

Tampere University’s MOOC courses

Some of our MOOC courses are taught only in Finnish language. More information on our Finnish MOOC-webpage

More information on courses will be forthcoming during the academic year of 2024–2025.

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