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Suvi Raitakari

Associate Professor

About me

Docent/University lecturer (social work)

Faculty of Social Sciences/ Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta

Linna-building r. 6094

FIN 33014 Tampere University

email: suvi.raitakari [at]

phone: +358 40 1901353

Fields of expertise


Client centeredness and client involment

Face-to-face interaction and working practices in social work

Qualitative research methods

Recovery from mental health/substance abuse difficulties

 Interprofessional working and integration in social services

Selected publications

Juhila, Kirsi & Morriss, Lisa & Raitakari, Suvi (2021) Negotiating epistemic rights to knowledge concerning service users’ recent histories in mental health meetings. In Kirsi Juhila, Tanja Dall, Christopher Hall & Juliet Koprowska (eds.) Interprofessional Collaboration and Service User Participation: Analysing Meetings in Social Welfare. Bristol: Policy Press, 171–195.

Juhila, Kirsi & Raitakari, Suvi & Caswell, Dorte & Dall, Tanja & Wilinska, Monika (2021) From a collaborative and integrated welfare polocy to fronline practices. In Kirsi Juhila, Tanja Dall, Christopher Hall & Juliet Koprowska (eds.) Interprofessional Collaboration and Service User Participation: Analysing Meetings in Social Welfare. Bristol: Policy Press, 9–31.

Juhila, Kirsi & Ranta, Johanna & Raitakari, Suvi & Banks, Sarah (2021) Relational autonomy and service choices in social worker-client conversations in an outpatient clinic for people using drugs. British Journal of Social Work 15(1), 170–186. 

Kalari, Tuuli & Raitakari, Suvi (2021) Vuorovaikutuksen rikkoutuminen lapsen ja sosiaalityöntekijän haastattelukohtaamisessa [Disruption of interaction in an interview encounter between a child and a social worker]. Janus 29(3), 229–248.

Raitakari, Suvi & Ranta, Johanna & Saario, Sirpa (2021) Alignment and service user participation in low-threshold meetings with people using drugs. In Kirsi Juhila, Tanja Dall, Christopher Hall & Juliet Koprowska (eds.) Interprofessional Collaboration and Service User Participation: Analysing Meetings in Social Welfare. Bristol: Policy Press, 115–140.

Raitakari, Suvi (2019) Explaining Homelessness as a Movement Using Metaphors in European Academic Writings of Homelessness. Housing Studies, Volume 35(10) available first at the following permanent link: .

Raitakari, Suvi & Räsänen, Jenni-Mari & Kostiainen, Tuula & Juhila, Kirsi (2019) Integroiva työtapa muotoutuvassa perhekeskuskontekstissa : Kriittisten tekijöiden tarkastelua. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. [Integrative Work Orientation in Emerging Family Center] 

Raitakari, Suvi (2019) Using Expressions of Past, Present and Future Homelessness Pathways as a Linguistic Resource in Meeting Interaction in a Low-Threshold Outpatient Clinic. Housing, Theory and Society, 36(1), 25-43. Published online: 21 Nov 2017. 

Raitakari, Suvi & Holmberg, Suvi & Juhila, Kirsi & Räsänen, Jenni-Mari (2018) Constructing the Elements of the “Recovery in” Model through Positive Assessments during Mental Health Home Visits. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(7):1441. DOI:10.3390/ijerph15071441

Raitakari, Suvi & Juhila, Kirsi & Räsänen, Jenni-Mari (2018) Responsibilisation, Social Work and Inclusive Social Security in Finland. European Journal of Social Work. DOI:10.1080/13691457.2018.1529660

Saario, Sirpa & Räsänen, Jenni-Mari & Raitakari, Suvi & Banks, Sarah & Juhila, Kirsi (2018) Doing ‘Ethics Work’ Together: Negotiating Service Users’ Independence in Community Mental Health Meetings. Ethics and Social Welfare. DOI:10.1080/17496535.2018.1533991

Juhila, Kirsi & Raitakari, Suvi & Hall, Christopher (2017) (eds.) Responsibilisation at the Margins of Welfare Services. London: Routledge.

Juhila, Kirsi & Raitakari, Suvi & Hansen Löftstrand, Cecilia (2017) Responsibilisation in Governmentality Literature. In Kirsi Juhila & Suvi Raitakari & Christopher Hall (eds.) Responsibilisation at the Margins of Welfare Services. London: Routledge, 11–34.

Juhila, Kirsi & Raitakari, Suvi & Hansen Löftstrand, Cecilia (2017) Responsibilities and Current Welfare Discourses. In Kirsi Juhila & Suvi Raitakari & Christopher Hall (eds.) Responsibilisation at the Margins of Welfare Services. London: Routledge, 35–56.

Raitakari, Suvi & Juhila Kirsi & Hall, Christopher (2017) Conclusion. In Kirsi Juhila & Suvi Raitakari & Christopher Hall (eds.) Responsibilisation at the Margins of Welfare Services. London: Routledge, 218-223.

Raitakari, Suvi & Günther, Kirsi (2017) Clients Accounting for the Responsible Self in Interviews. In Kirsi Juhila & Suvi Raitakari & Christopher Hall (eds.) Responsibilisation at the Margins of Welfare. London: Routledge, 83-105.

Raitakari, Suvi & Permin Berger, Nichlas (2017) Making Active Citizens in the Commounity in Client-Worker Interaction. In Kirsi Juhila & Suvi Raitakari & Christopher Hall (eds.) Responsibilisation at the Margins of Welfare. London: Routledge, 106-127.

Raitakari, Suvi (2016) Neuvottelut mielenterveys- ja päihdeasiakkaiden asumisen siirtymistä: toiveita, haasteita ja toimijuutta [Negotiating the Housing Transitions of Clients in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services: Hopes, Challenges and Agency]. Teoksessa Kirsi Juhila & Teppo Kröger (toim.) Siirtymät ja valinnat asumispoluilla. Jyväskylän yliopisto: SoPhi, 108-133.  

Raitakari Suvi & Haahtela Riikka & Juhila Kirsi (2016) Tackling Community Integration in Mental Health Home Visit Integration in Finland. Health and Social Care in the Community 24(5), e53-62.

Raitakari Suvi & Juhila, Kirsi (2016) Asumispolkujen tutkimisen lähtökohdat ja menetelmät [The Premises and Methods of Studying Housing Pathways]. Teoksessa Kirsi Juhila & Teppo Kröger (toim.) Siirtymät ja valinnat asumispoluilla. J yväskylän yliopisto: SoPhi, 40-59.

Raitakari Suvi & Günther Kirsi (2015) Mielenterveysasiakkaan asema portaikkomallin ja Asunto Ensin -mallin asumispoluilla [Mental Health Clients' Position in the Staircase and Housing First Pathways]. Janus 23(1), 66-82.

Raitakari, Suvi & Juhila, Kirsi (2015) Housing First Literature: Different Orientations and Political-Practical Arguments. European Journal of Homelessness Research 9(1), 145-189.

Raitakari, Suvi & Saario, Sirpa & Juhila, Kirsi & Günther, Kirsi (2015) Client Participation in Mental Health: Shifting Positions in Decision Making. Nordic Social Work Research 5(1), 35-49.

Günther, Kirsi & Raitakari, Suvi & Juhila, Kirsi (2015) From Plan Meetings to Care Plans: Genre Chains and the Intertextual Relations of Text and Talk. Discourse & Communication 9(1), 65-79.

Juhila, Kirsi & Christopher Hall & Raitakari, Suvi(2015) Interaction During Mental Health Floating Support Homevisits: Managing Host-Guest and Professional-Client Identities in home-spaces. Social and Cultural Geography. DOI:10.1080/14649365.2015.1042401

Doctoral thesis 

Raitakari Suvi (2006) Neuvottelut ja merkinnät reunaminuuksista. Vuorovaikutuksellisuus ja retorisuus la stensuojeluyksikön palavereissa ja tukisuunnitelmissa. [Negotiating and marking marginal selves. Interactive and rhetorical perspective to clienthood in child care meetings and records]. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1183. Tampere: Tampere University Press

See also PURE