Advanced Studies in Sociology, 90 cr
- Description
- Content
Sosiologian syventävät opinnot (90 op) koostuvat sosiologian teorioiden ja tutkimuksen syventävistä opintojaksoista (25 op), tutkimusmetodologia-opinnoista (10 op), työelämään suuntaavista opinnoista (15 op) sekä pro gradu -tutkielmasta ja -seminaarista (40 op).
Students who have completed a master’s degree in social sciences with a specialisation in sociology understand and are able to analyse social structures and processes and the relationships between the individual, communities and society. They are able to comprehensively and critically evaluate social and scientific discourse. They are able to formulate sociologically meaningful research problems, to collect and to analyse research data and to produce academically and ethically acceptable oral and written reports. They are able, both independently and in a group, to produce research-based knowledge and to apply it in scientific, professional and social practices. They are equipped to identify, to interpret and to question societal beliefs and to express reasoned views concerning existing mindsets and practices. They are able to analyse and to evaluate activity across various societal levels and contexts from the local to the global. They have developed competencies which enable them to work in leadership and in expert roles, especially in the areas of research, administration, communication and education.