Materials Technology, Advanced Studies as Elective Studies, 30 op

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi

Advanced Studies


Erkki Levänen, Petri Vuoristo


- S/he will understand the effects of process parameters to the micro and macroscopic structures, technical properties, functionality, and durability in various different applications.
- The student can analyze and evaluate material properties, and to choose the right material solutions for each application.
- The students completing this major will know the processing and manufacturing methods of a broad range of materials.
- The students will be able to apply the newly acquired knowledge in materials research and development, education, and industrial product development tasks.
- The students will obtain a good overall knowledge of the material group that s/he chooses.


Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet P/S
Materiaalitekniikka, aineopinnot valinnaisina opintoina 25 op Mandatory
Materiaalitekniikka, aineopinnot valinnaisina opintoina, LTT/ENG 20 op Mandatory


Pakolliset opintojaksot

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vuosikurssi
MOL-12176 Laboratory Exercises in Materials Science 5 op IV  
MOL-32307 Materials Performance 5 op IV  
MOL-32327 Analysis of Materials Performance 5 op IV  
Yhteensä 15 op  

Täydentävät opintojaksot

Should be completed to the minimum study module extent of 30 ETCS

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vuosikurssi
MOL-12206 Materials for Energy Technologies 5 op V  
MOL-22216 Phase Transformations and Heat Treatments of Metals 5 op IV  
MOL-22226 Joining Methods for Metals 5 op IV  
MOL-22306 Metals Technology 5 op IV  
MOL-32228 Electron Microscopy 5 op IV  
MOL-42106 Polymeric Materials 5 op IV  
MOL-42166 Rheology 5 op IV  
MOL-42196 Adhesion and Surface Modifications 5 op IV  
MOL-42236 Advanced Composites 5 op IV  
MOL-42257 Elastomers 5 op IV  
MOL-42316 Processing of Thermoplastics 5 op IV  
MOL-52026 Advanced Ceramics 5 op IV  
MOL-52056 Processing of Advanced Ceramics 5 op IV  
MOL-53246 Coatings and Surface Treatments 6 op V  
MOL-53257 Thin Film Technologies 4 op V  
MOL-72106 Converting and Packaging Processes 5 op V  
MOL-72136 Packaging Materials 5 op V  
MOL-81016 Introduction to Tribology 3 op IV  
MOL-82036 Advanced Tribology 5 op IV  
MOL-82056 Dimensioning of Machine Elements 5 op V  
MOL-82076 Machinery Monitoring 5 op IV  
MOL-82096 Machinery Diagnostics 5 op IV  
MOL-92236 Special Treatise on Materials Science 1-8 op V  


Only intended as a minor

Päivittäjä: Väisänen Outi, 11.01.2019