ARK-00048 Arkkitehtuuri, vaihtuva aihe, 1-10 cr
Architecture, Varying Topic

Implementation ARK-00048 2019-08


Contemporary Housing for Artists Competition

The course consists of participating in an architectural competition. The competition is not organized by the university, nor are competition entries guided by university staff. Correspondingly, interpreting the competition brief, schedule etc. is to be handled independently (or in correspondence with the competition organizers) by the students taking the course. Information about the competition can be found on the competition website linked below as well as in the course Moodle.


Period 5
Methods of instruction
Person responsible Tapio Kaasalainen, Sofie Pelsmakers

Assessment scale

Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course


The course can be completed either alone or as a group. Students who successfully complete the course alone will be awarded 5 credits, while students in groups will be awarded 3 credits each. The maximum group size is 5 in correspondence to the competition rules. The competition group can include members outside the Tampere University School of Architecture, but only TAU SoA students will be awarded credits for the course. For group projects, each member is expected to contribute equally, and unless otherwise communicated before submission this is assumed to be the case.

Successfully completing the course requires submitting an acceptable project that is in accordance with the competition brief. The quality of the course submissions is expected to reflect the total number of credits awarded for the project. Projects found lacking may be asked to be supplemented before passing. The project must be submitted for the course, through the course Moodle area, no later than on July 31st 2020 (31.7.2020). Proof of competition registration or competition submission is not required.

Additional information of course implementation

Jos opintojaksolle on enemmän ilmoittautuneita kuin sille on mahdollista ottaa, opiskelijat otetaan opintojaksolle seuraavien kriteerien mukaisessa järjestyksessä:
1) opiskelijat, jotka ovat kirjoilla arkkitehtuurin tutkinto-ohjelmissa
2) arkkitehtuurin vaihto-opiskelijat, ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä
3) muissa tutkinto-ohjelmissa kirjoilla olevat opiskelijat, etusija annetaan niille joille opintojakso on pakollinen, ja tarvittaessa ilmoittautumisjärjestys ratkaisee osallistumisen
4) muut opiskelijat, tarvittaessa ilmoittautumisjärjestys ratkaisee osallistumisen

Ilmoittautuneiden ja odotuslistalla olevien tulee olla läsnä ensimmäisessä oppimistapahtumassa varmistaakseen paikkansa.

When a course is over-subscribed, i.e. there are more sign-ups than places on the course, we enroll the required number of students according to the following criteria and order:
1) students that are enrolled in the Bachelor/Master/Doctor of Science in Architecture degree programs
2) exchange students that are enrolled in the exchange program in Architecture and if needed the priority is given to students that signed up first
3) students that are enrolled in the degree programs other than Architecture and if needed priority is given to students for whom the course is compulsory and then if needed the priority is given to students that signed up first
4) other students and if needed the priority is given to students that signed up first Students on the sign-up