Software Engineering
- TIE-02107 Programming 1: Introduction, 5 cr
- TIE-02207 Programming 2: Basics, 5 cr
- TIE-02408 Programming 3: Techniques, 5 cr
- TIE-02506 Concurrency, 5 cr
- TIE-11206 Special Topics on Pervasive Computing, 1-5 cr
- TIE-12206 Post-Graduate Seminar on Pervasive Computing, 1-8 cr
- TIE-13106 Project Work on Pervasive Systems, 5-10 cr
- TIE-20106 Data Structures and Algorithms, 5 cr
- TIE-20306 Principles of Programming Languages, 5 cr
- TIE-21107 Software Engineering Methodologies, 5 cr
- TIE-21307 Large Scale Software Design, 5 cr
- TIE-22307 Data-Intensive Programming, 5 cr
- TIE-23516 Basic Web Applications, 5 cr
- TIE-23526 Web Architectures, 5 cr
- TIE-23536 Cloud Applications, 5 cr
- TIE-23546 Cloud Platforms, 5 cr
- TIE-30406 Network Security, 5 cr
- TIE-31106 Cryptography Engineering, 5 cr
- TIE-40306 Gamification: A Walkthrough of How Games Are Shaping Our Lives, 5 cr
- TIE-40406 Gamification: Theory, Practice and Design, 5 cr