Signal Processing
- PLA-43126 Machine Learning Methods, 5 cr
- PLA-43136 Time Series Analysis, 5 cr
- PLA-44006 Health Analytics, 5 cr
- SGN-11007 Introduction to Signal Processing, 5 cr
- SGN-12007 Introduction to Image and Video Processing, 5 cr
- SGN-13006 Introduction to Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, 5 cr
- SGN-14007 Introduction to Audio Processing, 5 cr
- SGN-21006 Advanced Signal Processing, 5 cr
- SGN-22006 Signal Compression, 5 cr
- SGN-24007 Advanced Audio Processing, 5 cr
- SGN-25006 Vector Space Methods for Signal and Image Processing, 5 cr
- SGN-26006 Advanced Signal Processing Laboratory, 5 cr
- SGN-31007 Advanced Image Processing, 5 cr
- SGN-33007 Media Analysis, 5 cr
- SGN-34006 3D and Virtual Reality, 5 cr
- SGN-41007 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, 5 cr
- SGN-43006 Knowledge Mining and Big Data, 5 cr
- SGN-44006 Artificial Intelligence, 5 cr
- SGN-45007 Computer Vision, 5 cr
- SGN-54106 Computational Diagnostics, 5 cr
- SGN-81006 Signal Processing Innovation Project, 5-8 cr
- SGN-90666 Signal Processing Colloquium, 1-5 cr