YHTTAY-24487 Introduction to High-Throughput Data Analysis, 5 cr

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Opintojakson oikea koodi on BTK6002 Introduction to High-Throughput Data Analysis
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The course is only intended for degree students

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Outi Väisänen

Learning Outcomes

After the course, the student can: - compare sequencing and microarray technologies used in high-throughput analysis and choose suitable ones for the analysis required. - explain the principles of measurement technologies covered and how various inherent errors and biases of the measurement techniques affect the analysis. - apply common methods and algorithms to extract information from microarray and sequencing measurements. - discuss the statistical principles underlying the data analysis methods above and identify the benefits and weaknesses of each method. - select suitable algorithms for the analysis and justify the choice. - build data analysis pipelines for microarray and sequencing data analysis.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Deep sequencing technologies DNA microarrays Statistical methods for the analysis of high-throughput measurement data Data classification and clustering     

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
YHTTAY-24487 Introduction to High-Throughput Data Analysis, 5 cr YHTTAY-24486 High-throughput Data Analysis, 5 cr  

Updated by: Väisänen Outi, 17.07.2019