FYS-1907 Project Work in Applied Physics, 5 cr

Implementation FYS-1907 2019-01

Period The implementation will not be executed during the academic year 2019-2020.
Methods of instruction
Person responsible Topi Rönkkö, Juha Toivonen

Assessment scale

Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


A completed project in small groups with requirements on project work, project management and on presentation.

Additional information of course implementation

This course will be lectured first time in Fall 2020. In case a student wishes to do project work in Physics during lecture year 2019-2020, there is a possibility to carry out a personal project under course "FYS-1856 Special Assignment in Physics" or "FYS-1851 Fysiikan erikoistyö". In that case, please contact Juha Toivonen or Topi Rönkkö for more information.