YHTTAY-04006 Principles of Usability, User Experience and User Interfaces, 5 cr

Additional information

This online course is organised by University of Tampere by name 'TIEVA36 Principles of Usability, User Experience and User Interfaces'. At TUT, it is only intended for the Msc students with UX / HTI major who have not taken prior studies in User Experience and cannot take the Basic Course on User Experience (for example for scheduling reasons).

Negotiate with Kaisa Väänänen if you think you would need to take this online course.

Sign-up to the course via UTA's Nettiopsu. The course is only intended for degree students

Person responsible

Aino Ahtinen, Kaisa Väänänen


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
YHTTAY-04006 2019-01 1 Aino Ahtinen
Kaisa Väänänen
Online course organized by UTA. See their requirements.

Correspondence of content

There is no equivalence with any other courses

Updated by: Kunnari Jaana, 22.02.2019