YHTTAY-40206 Human-Technology Interaction Project Work, 5-10 cr

Implementation YHTTAY-40206 2019-01


The course is implemented in city centre campus with course code HTIS84 Human-Technology Interaction Project Work.

Sign-up to the course via Nettiopsu.


Period 1 - 2
Methods of instruction
Person responsible Kaisa Väänänen

Assessment scale

Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)

Additional information of course implementation

Make sure you get the study right for the course. Students at Hervanta campus are expected to apply through the Tampere3 cross-institutional study service www.tampere3.fi/serviceforcrossinstitutionalstudies.

International degree student majoring in User Experience/Human-Technology Interaction are not required to apply for courses at city centre campus through the Tampere3 cross-institutional study service.