KIE-08206 Integrated Studies in Intercultural Communication, 1-2 cr

Implementation KIE-08206 2019-01


The course KIE-08206 will be implemented at the same than the courses that are integrating intercultural communication.

This course aims to develop the intercultural competencies of students by enhancing collaboration, communication and integration into a multicultural group or environment. This course integrates with selected content courses via prior agreement with the instructors involved. The activities in this course aim to provide support to the activities done in content courses that involve multicultural, international and/ or collaboration in a foreign language. The topics and activities will support the content course and be largely determined by its learning goals and requirements.

The registration of the course will be done in the first lesson of the course that is integrating intercultural communication.


Period 1 - 2
Methods of instruction
Person responsible Carlos Mendoza Santana

Assessment scale

Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


The requirements to complete these credits will depend of the course that is integrating intercultural communication. E.g. Introduction to Academic Studies integrating Intercultural Communication will require specific activities and learning goals to complete these credits.