LTT-90106 Transferable Skills in Practice, 1-5 cr

Additional information

Maximum of 5 credits can be included under this code to a student's general scientific studies. The study attainments may include for example:

- Presenting orally PhD research in an international conference (1 ECTS per conference)
- Doing a survey of the progress of the research field by attending a major international conference in the given field and presenting the findings of the survey to his/her research group (1 ECTS per conference)
- Official supervision of a B.Sc. (1 ECTS) or a M.Sc thesis project (2 ECTS); MAX 4 ECTS
- Teaching: lecturing or giving exercises in a specified course (30 hours = 1 ECTS); MAX 2 ECTS
- Organization of a scientific conference/workshop as the chair/main organizer (2 ECTS), or as a member of the organization committee (1 ECTS)
- Membership of the administrative body of the university or the doctoral programme (academic board, doctoral education council, faculty council, the programme specific committee) (1 ECTS); MAX 1 ECTS
- Acting as a reviewer in a peer-reviewed journal (3 reviewed manuscripts demonstrated by correspondence with the editor = 1 ECTS); MAX 1 ECTS

The head of the doctoral programme approves the attainments upon endorsement by the responsible supervisor. The student must demonstrate the completion of the attainment in writing. He/she must report the hours spent on it and provide a brief self-assessment on the attainment (what was good, what could be improved, what was difficult, how this experience will help you in the future working life etc.). Use the form "Recognition of studies completed outside Tampere University" ( > Student > Student's guide > Doctoral studies > Services and forms > Recognition of studies and skills). Submit the forn to the academic officer of the programme.

Student has to give a course feedback in order to see the credits in the transcript. The course is meant for the students in the doctoral programme in engineering and natural sciences.
Suitable for postgraduate studies.

Person responsible

Esa Räsänen, Anna Halonen

Learning Outcomes

After completing the study attainment, the student is able to apply and use in practice the accumulated theoretical transferable skills (e.g. presentational skills, writing skills, meeting procedures, project management and coordination tasks, networking abilities) and is able to analyse his/her own conduct in an assignment.

Instructions for students on how to achieve the learning outcomes

The course can consist of for example: -Presenting orally PhD research in an international conference (1 ECTS per conference) -Doing a survey of the progress of the research field by attending a major international conference in the given field and presenting the findings of the survey to his/her research group (1 ECTS per conference) - Official supervision of a B.Sc. (1 ECTS) or a M.Sc thesis project (2 ECTS); MAX 4 ECTS - Teaching: lecturing or giving exercises in a specified course (30 hours = 1 ECTS); MAX 2 ECTS - Organization of a scientific conference/workshop as the chair/main organizer (2 ECTS), or as a member of the organization committee (1 ECTS) - Membership of the administrative body of the university or the doctoral programme (academic board, doctoral education council, faculty council, the programme specific committee) (1 ECTS); MAX 1 ECTS - Acting as a reviewer in a peer-reviewed journal (3 reviewed manuscripts demonstrated by correspondence with the editor = 1 ECTS); MAX 1 ECTS - funded grant application (application is submitted to foundations/trusts) (1 ETCS); MAX 1 ECTS - reporting research beyond the scientific community (outreach), for example in newspaper articles, speeches, presentations (27 h work = 1 ECTS); MAX 1 ECTS - organisation/development of research project with an external partner (1 ECTS); MAX 1 ECTS

Assessment scale:

Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
LTT-90106 Transferable Skills in Practice, 1-5 cr TLU-90106 Transferable Skills in Practice, 1-5 cr  

Updated by: $course.modifier, 15.01.2020