DEE-24906 Electrical Energy Engineering Project Work, 2-10 cr

Additional information

Before starting the project the student must get the preliminary project plan accepted by one of the available examiners. Credits earned from passing the project work are to be agreed with the examiner before starting. The amount of credits depend on scope and expected complexity of the topic as well as on the results. The supervisor may require student to upload the project report to Turnitin-system for originality check.

Person responsible

Seppo Valkealahti, Tuomas Messo, Jenni Rekola, Kirsi Nousiainen, Sami Repo, Paavo Rasilo, Pekka Verho, Pertti Järventausta, Petros Karamanakos


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
DEE-24906 2019-02 1 - 4 Pertti Järventausta
Petros Karamanakos
Tuomas Messo
Kirsi Nousiainen
Paavo Rasilo
Jenni Rekola
Sami Repo
Seppo Valkealahti
Pekka Verho
Study (literature survey/measurements/analysis/design/calculations/simulations/programming etc. depending on the subject) of the selected topic agreed by the examiner, written document and accepted oral presentation.

Learning Outcomes

The student can search for information from different sources, analyze and apply it as part of the project work. The student can combine and process information and write a technical document. Depending on the subject, the student can design and implement the measurement setups or calculation/simulation models needed and analyze the results or build and test prototypes. Main responsibility of the progress and completion of this course lies with the student while the examiner's role is to provide support and act as a mentor.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Drafting a plan for a research project or study.     
2. Independently searching, acquiring and analyzing the information and knowledge related to the subject.     
3. Drafting literary surveys, technical documents, user manuals or guidelines.  Developing effective written and verbal communication skills  Ability to write scientific publications. 
4. Design and implementation of required measurement setups.  Application of different measurement and verification technigues.  Building and testing prototypes. 
5. Constructing calculation or simulation models and analyzing their applicability.  Analyzing and interpreting the results acquired by calculations or simulations.  Using real-time simulators.  
6. Systematic working principles related to achieve self-specified goals.     
7. Timely management of a research project or study.     

Additional information about prerequisites
The student must have enough background knowledge (several courses of Power Engineering, Power Electronics or Electrical Energy Engineering) of the field of the project work before he/she can start the project work.

Correspondence of content

There is no equivalence with any other courses

Updated by: Turjanmäki Pia, 04.03.2019