TTA-62017 Technology and Innovation Management, 5 cr

Person responsible

Saku Mäkinen, Laura Valtonen, Johanna Kirjavainen, Santeri Repo


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
TTA-62017 2019-01 1 - 2 Johanna Kirjavainen
Deborah Kuperstein Blasco
Saku Mäkinen
The course is an online course, no traditional lectures are held and there is no final exam. To complete the course, the student is required to write a learning diary based on articles, online lectures and additional materials provided.
TTA-62017 2019-02 3 - 4 Johanna Kirjavainen
Deborah Kuperstein Blasco
Saku Mäkinen
The course is an online course, no traditional lectures are held and there is no final exam. To complete the course, the student is required to write a learning diary based on articles, online lectures and additional materials provided.

Learning Outcomes

Student is able to identify and explain the influence of technology and its evolution on human activities and synthesize main evolutionary trajectories. Student is able to recognize and characterize effects of technology evolution, application and development of technologies.

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
TTA-62017 Technology and Innovation Management, 5 cr TTA-62016 Technology and Innovation Management, 4 cr  

Updated by: Mäkinen Saku, 16.03.2020